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This is easily one of the best walking simulator that i i've ever played, awesome game my friend.

Nice !


Very lovely game. Very creepy when you look at things like the rollercoaster ending in a body disposal area and the "sell your body if you don't have money" bit but somehow the vibe of the whole thing is calming


this little world was so beautiful. the strange looming rollercoaster, the store names and billboards that made me laugh just like real life ones sometimes do. expired water cereal was one of my favorites. the mess of powerlines, a place off center and absurd. this is one of the best free games i have ever played

This is amazing. Gonna come back to it a bunch I think

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game! I love it with all my heart, visuals are on POINT and everything just comes together so beautifly. Mayby in the future some more lore or dialogue would be nice, some 'Oh your hot cyberpunk girlfriend needs your help' type of stuff. But other than that its 11/10, keep up the good work!


I love this game so much, the music, the visuals, ah, amazing


cool vibe. I am a big fan of the “hands as guns” trope in indie FPS.

perfect. beautiful. i love it

only thing is the player hands take me out of it a little, it'd be cool if there was an option to turn them off

the vibes man

Deleted 6 hours ago

A mixture of what you said and some royalty free textures that I then touched up in photoshop in an attempt to make them fit in with each other, models were made with photo textures and substance 3d painter, the wheat in specific was something I drew from scratch in aseprite, thank you for your inquiry.

Deleted 6 hours ago

Nice very good game but weird but in good way well done keep it up!

so weird